0010_003_Guly Pyle Massay
I assembled this folder about Gully Pyle Massay following email converstations with Martha Cook. These photos came to me from Devin except for the letter and that was in Juanima McLaughlin's collection.
01_Guly Elma Pyle (1875).jpg: Original tinted from which the colorized was made. Guly was born in August 1858 so she would be about 17 in this photo.
03_Guly Elma Pyle (1875) colorized_x.jpg: Taken 1875. I'm not sure how this colorization was accomplished. Looks kind of garish.
04_Guly Elma Pyle (1875)_tint_restored.jpg: This is probably what the original tinted photo looked like with modest tinting applied.
05_Guly Massey.jpg: In this cameo photo Guly appears to be about 20 so that would put the photo around 1878, just before she married in 1879.
06_Guly Pyle Massey.jpg: Standing portrait taken about 1878 also.
07_Guly and Massey Girls.jpg: Clockwise from 0900: Guly, Maggie, Clara, Myrtle I estimate date of photo to be 1900
08_Guly, Howard, Maggie, and Myrtle Massey.jpg: This photo was labeled Guly, Howard, Maggie, and Myrtle Massey: I estimate date of photo to be 1910 on basis of ages of children.
pix50_0290.jpg: This is a letter written by Margaret (Maggie) Massay Cook to Ivy and ID about her mother Guly.
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